Apple Accidentally Approves Emulator App

After many years, it seems like developers have been trying to get around apple security. Apple is very strict when developers upload apps that go against their guidelines

To upload an app to the App Store, It needs to go through an app certification process. It sounds scary but it’s essentially just a person who tests out your app and makes sure that it conforms to App Store guidelines they approve it for publication in the App Store.

Well this isn’t the case for this app called ‘8090’, since it was some how able to get approved by Apple. Apple has always been strict about emulators and has been Cautious about them being on the AppStore. Something interesting about this app and that it allows you to import Rom files and play Nintendo and GBA games. This also isn’t just a GBA emulator. It also plays GBC, NES, SNES and Genesis games too.

This app was able to get approved by Apple, but that doesn’t mean Apple can’t take it down. It’s best to download it now that way it can stay in your Apple ID forever if apple takes it down.

We recommend to watch this tutorial video that shows you how you can play games on the emulator.

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